Thursday, October 16, 2014

Now the floor revisited!

Finally the true and lasting floor!

Finishing the joist placement. Ain't it pretty???

Sub-floor material

Back to where we started including protection from the elements

Concrete blocks in the round.

Here is the first course.

Third  and final row with final block put in by me!


The beautiful supervisor

Pouring the footers and center post

This is really getting good!!!

Round Footer Prep

Prepping the footers for concrete.

Preparing the pad

It is very exciting to see the pad being produced in early April. Mike on the machine moving dirt about!

Setup for the circle footers dug..

Monday, August 12, 2013

The first try...

First Day - Monday August 12th 2013

I want to write the steps and decisions it's going to take to build "The Yurt". Hopefully pictures will also be a part to this endeavor. All for today.

We have actually torn apart all of the first floor that we built as we did NOT have it up to snuff for the building inspectors. It took Audrey and me 6 days to tear it apart.